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Tunkhannock Field Trip

April 24, 2019
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My art residency ended yesterday with a great art trip with twenty three 'core group' sixth graders.  We were so thankful to be welcomed with open arms at Marquis art and Frame, the Sordoni art gallery, the Wyoming Valley art league, Wet Paint and Linde Headquarters in Pittston.  At Marquis we saw part of the amazing hubcap exhibition which was the brain child of Ken Marquis. At the Sordoni we saw the Syracuse Art collection of Japanese woodcuts.  The gallery provided materialswe so the kids could do their own mono print.  President Don Armstrong of the  WVAL gave a tour of the circular building and we saw the members juried exhibiton.  At Wet Paint owner Steve Taren showed us his unique building with the machines used to create tee shirts, cut out and wrapped vehicles.  And lastly we were given lunch and tee shirts at lunch at Linde Headquarters in Pittston and viewed four floors of artwork which rotates three to four times a year.