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Art. Life. Leigh.

January 2, 2025

Let's Thrive in Twenty-Five!

Thrive - this word... encapsulates it all....

'Let's Thrive' acrylic on canvas 24" x 20"

So, here are six habits to help you not just embrace your 'new normal', but to thrive beyond it:

  1. Create the sort of network you want to be part of. ...
  2. Be the person you want to meet. ...
  3. Cherish positive influences in your life. ...
  4. Get effective with your self-care. ...
  5. Remember your physical health can affect your mental wellbeing.

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Holiday Card
November 28, 2024

An Oil Painting

It's been a long time since I've done an oil painting.

'Lions and Tigers and Bear' 30" x 30" oil on panel

In this section of the woods, it's very dark and sometimes spooky - it seems to call out 'lions and tigers and bears' OH NO! 

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November 4, 2024

Corporate Comission

Large corporation renovates greeting area and conference room which included four large paintings

'Two 4'x6' and two 3'x5' pieces in progress'
Original artwork in businesses say 'we care about our customers and our employees'
gridded painted parachute cloth with machine drawings on top

It's always so interesting to me how large paintings look in my studio compared to how small they look when hung on big walls in a gallery or business. I love it when I intuitively know something and then learn it's backed up by science. Recently I read: A study conducted at the at the Mauitshuis Museum in the Netherlands found that viewing real artworks, Like Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring', stimulates the brain significantly more than looking at posters of THE SAME ARTWORK, with participants experiencing an emotional response up to ten times stronger when viewing the original piece....!!!!!! WOW!!!!! 

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September 27, 2024

LCCC Group Show : The Art of Music Exhibition

The Art of Music Exhibion is a group showing with art pieces that relate to music

'People Talking without Speaking' 72" x 60" acrylic on canvas

This piece is titled after the Sounds of Silence song by Simon and Garfunkel. Sometimes it's best for the viewer to determine what the painting means to them. And for this piece, I'll leave it at that.

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August 28, 2024


The third year of Art to the Rescue

The text behind Martha reads : Martha is eight years old. Martha is eight years old and she's a good girl and she needs a forever home.  Someone to take her for walks, someone to tuck her into her special dog bed every night, someone to play ball with her - to give her treats and to pet her and brush her - someone to rub her belly.  Martha is eight years old pup  - she is a good girl and she needs to find her forever home - someone to love her - to rub her belly - someone that can be the leader for her to love.
The text behind Billy reads: Billy needs a forever home.  Someone to love him. Someone to be the leader of his pack - someone to play ball with - someone to give him special treats- someone to give him belly rubs - someone to tuck him into bed at night and kiss the top of his head - someone to teach him tricks - someone for him to be loyal to.

This is the third year there has been an exhibion of paintings of animals need of a forever home. This year I painted Martha and Billy and they completely captured my heart as well as all the other animals in the show. It's up until September 14 at the AFA Gallery in Scranton - check it out if you're in the area!

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August 27, 2024

Artefekts Gallery Opening

It was a beautiful August evening for the Nature Nurtures opening.

This reminds me of a Stefan Draschan's project 'People Matching Artworks: people standing in front of art, coincidently wearing similar clothing to the piece of artwork. Here it is with my fellow artist Nina Davidowitz looking at one of my pieces at the Artefekts showing.

Many people came to make the event festive and high vibe - Pittston is alive and well with great art everywhere - super restaurants and leaders passionate about making art part of everyone's daily lives!

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