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About Leigh

Leigh's mom noticed she was not like her two older sisters when she was a little girl  because she spent most of her time in her room painting and creating.  This difference prompted enrollment in art lessons with artist and teacher Sue Hand who encouraged and mentored her to continue in art.  Leigh attended a small liberal arts college - Wittenberg University - receiving a bachelor of fine art and then proceeded to New York City where she stayed for the next four and a half years diligently studying drawing and painting from the figure at the Art Students League.  Her primary teacher  at the League was well known artist and teacher Peter Cox.   

In 1997 she opened her own studio near her hometown in Kingston Pa - a 1,000 foot loft space which afforded her the time and space to develop her own voice while teaching private students, doing commission work and works for galleries.

Leigh is a Pennsylvania Rostered Artist and is one of the painting instructor for the vital Arts Alive program.  She has works exclusively as an artist showing in numerous solo and group shows.  Her works are shown at her gallery studio space now situated amongst the rolling hills of northeastern Pennsylvania as well as Marquis Art and frame in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton, Kennedy Gallery and Pure Art in Grand Cayman.

When not painting she enjoys writing, running, biking, and walking in the woods with Skye (dog extraordinaire), cooking, reading, doing yoga and being.