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August 28, 2024
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The text behind Martha reads : Martha is eight years old. Martha is eight years old and she's a good girl and she needs a forever home.  Someone to take her for walks, someone to tuck her into her special dog bed every night, someone to play ball with her - to give her treats and to pet her and brush her - someone to rub her belly.  Martha is eight years old pup  - she is a good girl and she needs to find her forever home - someone to love her - to rub her belly - someone that can be the leader for her to love.
The text behind Billy reads: Billy needs a forever home.  Someone to love him. Someone to be the leader of his pack - someone to play ball with - someone to give him special treats- someone to give him belly rubs - someone to tuck him into bed at night and kiss the top of his head - someone to teach him tricks - someone for him to be loyal to.

This is the third year there has been an exhibion of paintings of animals need of a forever home. This year I painted Martha and Billy and they completely captured my heart as well as all the other animals in the show. It's up until September 14 at the AFA Gallery in Scranton - check it out if you're in the area!